A wise man once defined success as a refined study of the obvious. How true. Most of what we need to know, say, and do to achieve mastery in Network Marketing could be easily taught—and understood—by a 12 year-old.
Why then are we making this Glopac business so difficult?
Let's agree to start learning The Seven Truths of Network Marketing to those who actually want to create their own destiny, and leave the rest of the world alone. After all, we're involved in a great industry, with wonderful people, offering unprecedented opportunity. And we should be proud to speak the truth...
1) Network Marketing is a business.
Networking is a unique form of enterprise, and you've got to understand the game you're playing. Therefore, mentally consume every page of your distributor manual, online or the day it arrives. Listen to your audio training programs again, and again, and again. Like a song on the radio, you master the words by hearing the music one more time.
2) Freedom by the numbers.
Understand the numbers, and your compensation plan. Start by involving three or five people—whatever number of legs and leaders your plan dictates—and go to work. By your fifth year, the commissions paid on your invested efforts could well equal a mid six-figure annual income. After that, the sky's the limit.
3) Attend every live event.
The OPP is part of the process. You need to be in attendance every week—to see the presentation again. Remember the music? You need the association, and the environment to
showcase your company for your prospects. True, not everyone attending every meeting earns RM10,000 a month. However, everyone earning RM10,000 a month attends every meeting. Now that's a refined study of the obvious.
4) Work only one company.
Leaders understand this truth, because no man or woman can serve two masters.
5) Have a compelling written "Why?"
Success in Network Marketing is 20% how to, and 80% why to... The best part is, if your reasons
are strong enough, you'll learn everything you need to know along your journey.
6) Invest in yourself first.
Some people are still trying to earn an exceptional wage using an ordinary education. It can't be done. If you want to earn more, you've got to learn more. Therefore, read all the books, attend all the classes, and learn everything you possibly can.
7) Decide in writing you'll be here a year from now.
Long-term written goals possess the power to pull you right to the top of your company. Put your dreams for your future on paper, and begin building your life of magnificence.