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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Glopac Classic Dealership

I am sure that Glopac Classic Dealership is a good news for all Glopac dealers. It helps Glopac dealer to expore to wider market. Potential client have more option to join Glopac dealership. Other than Silver, Gold, Platinum, Deluxe and Superior dealership those have Advertisement bonus, Share bonus and Glopac incentive bonus, Glopac now introduce another dealership which is Classic dealership at lower dealership fees.

To join as Classic dealer, you already qualify as a Glopac dealer to start Glopac blue ocean business.
You will get 2 bottles of GB9000 / 4 bottles of GB7000
For repeat order you will enjoy 15% discount on all poducts.
You will entitle for RM 20,000.00 PA insurance.
You can start your dealership business to recruit any type of dealership.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please explain how to join classic dealership? In addition, please elaborate what is business center, EP and PP? And what is this for? Appreciate also you explain the whole marketing plan for Globac.